Rules and Bylaws

Club Rules and Bylaws are subject to change without notification.

If a member cannot adhere to the rules of the Club and it is felt that a member’s actions or activities harm the Club, it’s members or reputation that member may be excused from the Club.

Any disagreements or issues with the club must be brought to the Chapter Director’s attention. After that point the member, or the Chapter Director can seek advice or guidance from the club Board of Directors.

Member Rules

  • Members must show respect to other members, car clubs, and the community
  • Members will act in a mature, adult manner when representing the club.
  • Members are encourage to assist in club sponsored events, and meetings whenever possible
  • Each member will accept any and all liability for personal safety and/or property damage at club attended/sponsored events.
  • Members must be over the age of 18.

Chapter Rules and Bylaws

  • A chapter of the Electrified car club, is to exist in a region or any location that does not currently have an active chapter of Electrified Car Club.
  • The chapter will run independent in their operations and be responsible for scheduling their own meets, their own meetings, and their own charity events.
  • Each chapter will be responsible for following the direction and oversight provided in the rules and bylaws, as well as by the board of Directors.
  • Each chapter will have a designated Director, this person is responsible for participating in the Board of Directors meetings and decisions where possible. Upholding the rules and bylaws of the overall Club, and overseeing of members.
  • As part of our core values of community and giving back, each chapter is required to hold at least one Community Event that benefits a Charity in the local community. Some examples of this could be:
    • Charity Food Drive – Benefiting a local food bank
    • Frunk or Treat – Benefiting a Children’s Hospital, a School, or any Charity that directly impacts Kids
    • Toy Drive
      • Chapters are given a license, or permission to use the Electrified name, Logo, and materials as long as they are in good standing with the Club, this license can be revoked, with the expectation that all operation and use of licensed material is to be immediately halted upon revocation of the license.

Board of Directors – Rules and Bylaws

  • The Board of Directors is a combination of the original founding committee of Electrified, as well as to have the Director of each additional chapter as a member.
  • The Board of Directors is to meet at least once per calendar year to vote and agree on any new or existing rules and regulations.
  • Decisions will be ratified based on a basic majority rule, if a basic majority can not be achieved, these rules and bylaws allow the President to then pick the decision that they feel is the best direction for the club.
  • The Board of Directors will be responsible for approving any new Chapters to be added into Electrified Car Club
  • The board of Directors are appointed seats, but there can be a vote to add or remove members as necessary, as long as each Chapter has a Director representing them.